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Ruger LC9 - LC9s - EC9s

Ruger LC9 – LC9s – EC9s

(174 customer reviews)


Ruger LC9, LC9s, EC9s MagGuts™-High Capacity Magazine Conversion
Converts your 7 round Ruger LC9, LC9s, or EC9s 9mm magazine into an 8 round magazine without extension. The kit uses your existing magazine tube and base plate while replacing all internal components with the MagGuts™ hybrid spring system.

-Maintains reliable slide lock when empty function.
-Easy to install.
-Finger extension and flat base plates are both compatible with this kit..
-Patented, U.S. Patent No. 8,819,977, other patent(s) pending.


-Compatible only with OEM 7 round magazine

174 reviews for Ruger LC9 – LC9s – EC9s

  1. Pierre G. (verified owner)

    I have fired four mag-fulls so far, and it works perfectly in an LC9. Installation was easy. The instructions were well written. At this price, it was worth it to me to add one round to the magazine I carry in the pistol without increasing the length. I would love to have eight more of them, but for the same cost I could buy eight more spare mags. I will probably order one for my 380 after more testing.

  2. Julio F. (verified owner)

    Great product. Have shot 100 RDS through it…0 issues. Please make the +2 like the shield.

  3. Bill J. (verified owner)

    Experienced failure to feed the last round on 2 of the four times I emptied mags at the range recently. I would love it if these worked consistently, but since they don’t I would like to return them.

  4. Jerry M. (verified owner)

    Install of MagGuts went as advertise. No issues at all. Rec’d email updates on shipping status and when item would be rec’d, great information on shipment.

  5. Dave W. (verified owner)

    Quality parts and went together very easy. Dave W. KS

  6. Ireneo j. (verified owner)

    Ran ~100 rounds through 3 mags. Each mag had 1 FTF during their initial load, then went smooth after the next loads, just needed to break them in.

  7. Joseph A. (verified owner)

    Very prompt response. Received my order quickly. Very satisfied. JOE A

  8. Doug C. (verified owner)

    Great product, 100% reliable, would buy again

  9. Jason G. (verified owner)

    I don’t know if I go a bad one or what, but The End of the spring that sits in the follower needs to be reworked or reengineered. After initial install and testing cycling with snap caps, the spring would contact the slide lock and hold it open with one round left to go. I took it back apart, and bent the spring over so it wouldn’t contact anymore. more snap cap testing and it seemed to have worked itself out. Then at the range firing live rounds, it started again. hold open with one round left in the magazine. Took it apart AGAIN and bent the spring some more. Still need to do more live fire testing with this before I can recommend it much less use it in a magazine that I may call upon to save my life in a self defense situation.

  10. Gladius (verified owner)

    Another great product. Interestingly, and likely due to the larger size, this MagGuts conversion kit was much harder to install than others (I have 3 kits for my LCP). The only other issue was that there is not yet a video guide, and the printed instructions, while clear, are not as detailed as they could be. Once installed, they are no more difficult to load than the standard magazine, and inserting a loaded magazine does not require extra effort (as with the LCP conversion). I will be getting more of these soon.

  11. David R. (verified owner)

    Another great MagGuts product. Easy to install and works perfectly. Full mag inserts easily with the slide forward and locks back on the last round. On my way to order another one for the back up mag.

  12. Luis q. (verified owner)

    I bought 2 for my 2 factory mags and one was great, no issues, and the other not so much. It had problems with holding the slide open after last round and failures to go into battery and even fte at times. I put around 250 rounds through them and I’ll probably take that problem one apart and clean it lube it and try it out with a few hundred more rounds, but right now I can’t trust it for my ccw.

  13. Zbigniew S. (verified owner)

    Another wonderful product… flawless works like a dream.. makes my LC9 a 9 shooter…

  14. William H. (verified owner)

    I received my LCP and ec9s magguts plus 1 magazine guts! I finally got around to shooting and they both work as they’re supposed to. Easy to install and one extra round in each. Very satisfied! Thanks

  15. Audwin S. (verified owner)

    It was just like I thought and hoped it would be

  16. Tim C. (verified owner)

    The magazine kit was simple to install but a little expensive for 1 additional round. $20 would be a more reasonable price.

  17. James M. (verified owner)

    I use them in multiple pistols and have fired hundreds of rounds with them… haven’t had any failures yet while using them.

  18. Michael S. (verified owner)

    I bought three sets for my Ruger LC9s Pro. The installation was easy and the new springs performed flawlessly in all three magazines. I used two different hollow point ammo (Hornady Critical Defense 115 and Federal 124 HP). I also used Winchester 124 FMC ammo as well. The Mugguts product is high quality. Even the baseplate retention pin is made of brass instead of the factory plastic. Which also gives you a visible reference as to which spring is in your magazine in case you have a combination of factory mags etc. I highly recommend anyone with an LC9 to invest in this upgrade.

  19. Stephen A. (verified owner)

    Adding another round is always a good thing.When it’s totally reliable it’s even better.So far after 100+ rounds no failures at all.Won’t hesitate to use for EDC.

  20. Robert R. (verified owner)

    Install was easy and works great. I have installed them in 3 different guns.

  21. Gerald (verified owner)

    Great product. I own several for different handguns. All work as advertised.

  22. Anthony A. (verified owner)

    This is a great product. I installed a set in my G42 and LC9S.

  23. Ryan B. (verified owner)

    AMAZING how these springs let you get one more round in the Ruger LC9s magazines. Assembly straightforward and directions very clear, though slight learning curve on how exactly you have to hold spring in place while sliding plate on. Work slowly and carefully on your first mag. (I say “first mag” because you should order these spring sets for ALL your mags.)

  24. M.david G. (verified owner)

    I lost a spring from my lc9 spare mag. Searched everywhere on internet until I found mag guts. Their improved spring was perfect for my needs. Half the price of an whole new mag and upped the capacity by 1 round. I will be getting another for my spare mag also in near future.

  25. Gary B. (verified owner)

    Very happy,the best.

  26. Jim L. (verified owner)

    just installed easily. have not fired gun with maggot in.

  27. Bryan B. (verified owner)

    Works Perfectly

  28. Stephen i. (verified owner)

    Work outstanding, couldn’t be any easier, Works like a factory set up

  29. Daniel D. (verified owner)

    I’ve shot over 300 rounds through it without any problem

  30. Jared D. (verified owner)

    It did what they claimed it would.

  31. Stephen M. (verified owner)

    Worked great and easy to install. I ordered two kits one for my EDC and one for my spare mag. I liked it so much I ordered a kit for my LCP and one for my wife’s LCPII.

  32. Shuo Z. (verified owner)

    Bought these for my Ruger LC9s and my Walther PPS. I love the fact that I’ve just added an additional round without sacrificing concealment

  33. Robert T. (verified owner)

    Installation was easy took it out to The Range but 50 rounds through it no flaws makes my 7rd to 8rd and one in the pipe . :+1::skin-tone-4: I would recommend this , my first time buying

  34. Bill E. (verified owner)

    Works as advertised. what else is there to say. When will you have one for my CM9 Kahr????? It needs one desperately!!!!

  35. Allister A. (verified owner)

    Install was fairly straightforward if you follow the assembly picture. Loading last round in the magazine was not as smooth as it could be. Almost enough resistance to make you think mag is full then suddenly it accepts the last round. Took it to the range and it feeds flawlessly. Maybe the loading issue will get better with use.

  36. Robert T. (verified owner)

    I installed the magguts and put 150 rounds through it , 20 rds Federal HST micro 150 grain JHP Only had to hiccups but I think it was thumb on slide . But I’m happy with it and will run more test . This is my CCW firearm ( ruger EC9S) I will buy another magguts for back MAG

  37. Keith F. (verified owner)

    Took about 2 minutes to install. Nice!

  38. Brett V. (verified owner)

    Work’s great, easy install.

  39. John P. (verified owner)

    I got one a few years back for my shield 40, never could get it to work, see they don’t even offer it anymore. I took a chance on the one for the LC9, it has more parts then before, well thought out. Easy to install, tried it twice at range no problems at all.Only 4 stars as time will tell if it keeps working.

  40. Vincent C. (verified owner)


  41. Chris K. (verified owner)

    I received my Magguts kit for Ruger ec9s magazine very fast. Installation was very easy and the parts are the highest quality by manufacturing and material.the magazine operation is very smooth and the 8+1 ammunition upgrade is also a great benefit! I will be buying more magazines and Magguts upgrade kits in the near future for my Ruger ec9s . If you have a Ruger lc9, ec9s or lc9s this is a must have upgrade for your firearm.

  42. George P. (verified owner)

    Works well with both FMJ and HP ammo. Just follow the directions and it’s easy to install. Great customer service and great product! Be sure your magazine is totally clean and degreased before installation.

  43. John S. (verified owner)

    Used as my CCW. Install very easy. Took my time and it took 4 minutes. Loaded 8 (7 round mag) right away. Clean and professional product.

  44. Bill B. (verified owner)

    Out of the package I had the magazine back together in less than a minute. Works great.

  45. Carlos W. (verified owner)

    They just work. Someday you might need the extra round on your EDC gun.

  46. Stephen G. (verified owner)

    No support for military or law-enforcement. Time is money, and they want me to spend time reviewing their products for free. Yet, they do not provide a discount to military or law-enforcement. Therefore, I will not give them a good or a bad rating, simply a middle-of-the- Road three star rating. It amazes me that they will not support the military or law-enforcement.

  47. Peter S. (verified owner)

    Couldn’t expect more, easy installation and works as advertised ..

  48. Tom H. (verified owner)

    I purchased magguts for both my Ruger lcp and lc9s both work well. Easy to install. Nice to have that extra round.

  49. Kevin C. (verified owner)

    Awesome upgrade to my EC9s mag. Went from 7+1 to 8+1. Hope I never need the extra but nice to have !

  50. Stuart A. (verified owner)

    Works well in my LCP and will try it in my LC9s soon.

  51. Max B. (verified owner)

    Easy install and perfect functioning.

  52. Wilie K. (verified owner)

    I purchased two of the plus one kits. I installed them at the same time. One works, one doesn’t. The one that does work, works well. The other one won’t allow me to get that 8th round down far enough to hold. I’ve read multiple complaints about the same issue. Hopefully the get it resolved

  53. Eric G. (verified owner)

    Very quick shipping and easy to install. Haven’t fired with the mag yet, but last round is easy to get in mag, clean install and quality parts used. For Ruger LC9s Pro.

  54. Don R. (verified owner)

    Works great.

  55. Gary L. (verified owner)

    Easy to assemble. Would be nice if the assembly drawing was printed a little clearer. It would be easy to assemble incorrectly without the YouTube video because the features on the drawing are not clear. Works well, would buy more if the price were a little lower. Recommended.

  56. Tom S. (verified owner)

    A great product that does what it claims to do! I’ve changed out the magazine internals for the stock LC9s magazine with the MagGuts kit. It has increased the capacity to 8 and functions flawlessly. I will be getting 2 more kits to update my other magazines.

  57. Fortune M. (verified owner)

    It’s great internals but is now preventing my magazine from ejecting properly. It just pops out but doesn’t fully eject.

  58. JOHN F. (verified owner)

    Works great and easy to install

  59. Michael J. (verified owner)

    No failures, easy to install. Make sure you keep magazine clean.

  60. Joseph R. (verified owner)

    Functioned perfectly in my Ruger LC9-s Pro. Smooth and reliable! Locks slide back on the last round just like the original, but with one extra round! What a clever idea! I bet it will not be long before gun manufactures start using MagGuts in their factory mags.

  61. Darin B. (verified owner)

    LC9S magazine, added a round as advertised. Fairly easy conversion when following instructions. Works as advertised in capacity and when used in firearm.

  62. Glenn S. (verified owner)

    I have had several “failure to feeds” out of 50 rounds. Also, when I chamber the first round, then remove the magazine, the second round falls out behind the magazine. Any suggestions ? Thanks, Glenn

  63. Wayne M. (verified owner)

    replacement sent by magguts works ok…sent old one back

  64. James K. (verified owner)

    works great in my lC9s. no trouble to install, and no trouble loading.

  65. Colton L. (verified owner)

    I initially had a problem with the slide locking on the last round. Contacted magguts and found out I installed the first spring backwards. The support team responded very quickly and was very helpful. Excellent product from an excellent company.

  66. Brent R. (verified owner)

    Always Quality!

  67. John L. (verified owner)

    works well, pretty expensive

  68. Donald P. (verified owner)

    I tried using a competitor’s product the company that starts with the letter G and it was nothing but garbage I had to return it and decided to try taking a chance with magguts glad I did excellent product

  69. Kurtis A. (verified owner)

    installed the MG according to instructions, the last (8th) round sometimes won’t load into the mag. reversing the flat spring fixes that, but then won’t eject the last round. problematic. i hope you have a reasonable fix.

  70. Chuck C. (verified owner)

    It functions exactly as advertised. I have an extra round in an already great carry pistol. I have already recommended this quick upgrade to two others that own LC9s Pros. Great job, guys!

  71. Michael B. (verified owner)

    I really want to see a mag guts kit for my lcp2 factory extended mags. The plus 1 capacity of The factory mags makes the gun just the right size, and I can’t help but wonder how many rounds mag guts could fit into that size.

  72. Chris U. (verified owner)

    Could not be happier with the internals for the 7 round lc9s magazine. Easy to install and flawless function. Plan to get another.

  73. Justin H. (verified owner)

    It is silly that Ruger didn’t do this stock because magguts makes it really easy! I will say I have only bought one of these springs but i tested it with a box of 100 rounds with zero issues. It is a bit expensive IMO but I still bought it, and in this case you get what you pay for 🙂

  74. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Need dealers in in other areas

  75. Jerry E Conroy (verified owner)

  76. ian rupert (verified owner)

    These springs are very well made. Top notch materials and workmanship. I trust it.

  77. Wesley (verified owner)

    The product arrived in the stated time. It was easy to install and has functioned flawlessly so far. I would recommend it for the extra round upgrade.

  78. Peter S. (verified owner)

  79. Anonymous (verified owner)

  80. Earl L. (verified owner)

    My only problem with the mag guts is the metal plate the bullets rest on when it gets down to the last round it will have a failure to feed sometimes, it’d be really nice to have a polymer plate to replace it with since bullets tend to slide off of polymer a lot easier, but other than that I loved having an extra round maybe after some use that last round will feed Everytime.

  81. Daniel Williams (verified owner)

    Such a great product, couldn’t be happier.

  82. Anonymous (verified owner)

  83. Robert (verified owner)

    I bought one fir my Ruger EC9S. Was very easy to install and works very well. It was a little hard to get the 8th round in at first but i left the magazine loaded for a couple of days and now no issues.

  84. Paul H. (verified owner)

    Very quick and easy to install. Came quickly.

  85. John L. (verified owner)

    Easy to install and works well. Great product.

  86. Brad Baillargeon (verified owner)

    Have not had a chance to shoot with the Magguts yet but it fit perfect. I can say that the order was easy and the shipping was extremely fast.

  87. Louis E. (verified owner)

    Fast delivery. Works perfect!

  88. Al Lodovichetti (verified owner)

  89. Reginald D. (verified owner)

    This is the 6th MagGuts I have ordered, and the 3rd for the LC9s. In case I need to elaborate, I think it’s an amazing product.

  90. Richard D. (verified owner)

    Easy to install. Have not tried them to see how they function yet.

  91. Shane Becker (verified owner)

    Fast delivery thank you

  92. Mark Vickers Sr (verified owner)

    Great product, super reliable.

  93. Michael (verified owner)

    I bought 4 kits for my two LC9s-es intending to use them as the carry mag and spare for each. None of the four loaded 8 rounds easily and required a heavy push or manipulating the wire spring through a witness hole to get the 8th round in. I reported this in detail to MagGuts and sent them back in at my expense for them to look at them. They came back today and after their “Free Installation services” 3 out of the 4 are working as they should. Sorry but that is ridiculous given the cost of the product and the time, expense, and effort involved. I’ll keep mine and get them to work properly but cannot recommend this product to others.

  94. Bryce T. (verified owner)

  95. Chuck S. (verified owner)

    Easy to navigate web site. Prompt shipping. Excellent packaging. Very clear & concise install instructions.

  96. Jonathan G. (verified owner)

    Great product, well made and designed. Fantastic way to add more ammo without adding more size!

  97. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Have multiple MagGuts products..Work Great

  98. Ronald (verified owner)

    About 1K + rounds I started to notice gouging & uneven wear on the polymer followers on my 6 mags. I contacted Ruger and they pretty much told me tough luck,,, refused to sell me followers,,,,, told me to buy new magazines. Thanks Ruger!! Your refusal to correct an issue caused me to search & find MagGuts.

    I bought one kit, and so far have almost 200 rounds of hardball & hollowpoint without even one hic-cup.

    Great product. Maybe that’s why I am buying 2 more.

    Will be considering other models too as I own LCPs, and I work as a defensive instructor. People often look to me for answers. Your product has potential.

    Thanks again guys.

  99. Richard Dailey (verified owner)

  100. Michael O. (verified owner)

    Excellent product, well worth the money, nice conversion to extra rounds

  101. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Perfect fit and function. Fast delivery.

  102. Lance (verified owner)

    I put them in both magazines. Each one runs FMJ flawlessly until I’m out of ammo. Also ran through several magazines of self defense rounds just as well. Makes me feel better about using a single stack.

  103. Scott Isham (verified owner)

    Great addition to the EC9S. It was quite easy to swap the springs. No problem what so ever with feeding.

  104. Joe P. (verified owner)

    Great instructions. Simple install. Off to the range and flawless operation after 60 rounds. Comfort knowing I now have NINE rounds at the quick and a backup mag with Eight. Great compliment to the terrific Ruger LC9S Pro.

  105. Wayne Dotson (verified owner)

  106. Christopher T. (verified owner)

    Excellent! No problems here! This is my 2nd product from you guys (LCP & LC9) and I love your work!

  107. Gary (verified owner)

    Quick ship, easy peasy to install thanks

  108. Keith C. (verified owner)

    Easily installed in minutes. I have not had a chance to check functionality by firing my weapon.

  109. Anthony Vicari (verified owner)

    So I like the fact I can get an extra round using the same base plate. I love that fact it’s all metal components. The only issue I found is, out of the three MagGuts only one locks the slide back. The other two do not. I am going to take it apart and reinstalling it again. Perhaps I missed something but I don’t think so. Other than that one issue I would still would recommend it.

  110. TyJuan L. (verified owner)


  111. Anonymous (verified owner)

  112. Dennis S. (verified owner)

    Works as advertised, easy to install. I’ve done both of my LC9s mags now and like the result.

  113. kirk a. (verified owner)

    Very fast service. This is my 5th MagGuts spring replacement and I am very pleased with they way they work and how easy they are to install.

  114. Antonio M. (verified owner)

    Very happy with this product I’ve bought them before and they work like a charm… with this small single stack pistols you want to carry as much ammo as posible, specially now a days!!! Thanks… Tony…👍🏻👍🏻

  115. Gregory Mullins (verified owner)

    Great product at a great price and super service.

  116. William (verified owner)

    Fast and efficient truth and honesty goes a long long way thanks

  117. Deane Stanton (verified owner)

  118. Chris McKown (verified owner)

  119. russsell (verified owner)

  120. Paul L. (verified owner)

    parts installed easily and it was easy to load the magazine and then cycle them thru the gun. I’m happy with it.

  121. Terry (verified owner)

    Works perfect, was exactly as advertised!

  122. Greg (verified owner)

    Easy installation and adds one round to magazine capacity.

  123. Daniel (verified owner)

    Your staff answered my questions promptly in our email exchange. The Maggut springs were a breeze to install in my ECPs mags. I will be trying them out soon.

  124. Edmund Coughlin (verified owner)

    Everything and more, instruction were easy, product worked without issues. I’d buy again

  125. Lee Hayes (verified owner)

    I did not receive this item. I received part number CVN022 for a Kel-Tec P3AT instead. Your packing slip has no phone number or I would call rather than be stuck writing an email. Please send the correct item with a return shipping label so I can return the incorrect product.

  126. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Even better that a mistake was made by sending the wrong item and was corrected immediately with the correct item sent and with a postage page return sticker

  127. James Miracle (verified owner)

    Small gap at bottom of clip after installing magguts. Other then that it performs like it should

  128. Anonymous (verified owner)

  129. William P. (verified owner)

    Literally took about 5 minutes to change, couldn’t be easier to get an extra round!! MagGuts made everything easy and it was a Great Deal. I WILL be a repeat customer, very satisfied.

  130. Dan M. (verified owner)

    Quick service and shipping and best prices. The mag guts I bought were for a Ruger EC9s and install was easy! I have yet to get to the range to try it out but I’m sure it will work well.

  131. Brian S. (verified owner)

    Easy to install and it worked smoothly.

  132. Travis Hollopeter (verified owner)

    The springs are a very tight fit inside the magazine. The 8th round barely fits and causes gouges into the casing of the round. You have to really slam the slide when cocking to allow the first round to feed.

  133. J. F. (verified owner)

    worked great.

  134. TyJuan L. (verified owner)

    Great product!

  135. Anonymous (verified owner)

  136. Darrel White (verified owner)

    Great job.. great communication.. 5 stars

  137. jeremy b. (verified owner)

    I love MagGuts products. I ordered 3 sets for my ruger lc9s. One broke while i was installing it into my magazine body.
    It took one simple email to get a replacement sent in less than 3 days.

    There customer service is absolutely top notch and there shipping department is one of the fastest in the firearm industry.

    I will always be a loyal MagGuts user and customer for any firearm they offer products for that i own.

  138. David Meyers (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery. Product as described. Easy installation. Functions perfectly.

  139. Edward Koehler (verified owner)

    Great product easy install.

  140. Kenneth K. (verified owner)

  141. Keith M. (verified owner)

    Easy to install, I have not had a chance to run any ammo through the mag. at this time.

  142. Richard B. (verified owner)

    Excellent product, I have them in my LCP 380 and now in my EC9s. Love them and thanks for the speedy delivery. GREAT JOB !!! GREAT PRODUCT!!!

  143. Richard B. (verified owner)

    Great product. Speedy delivery

  144. Joseph Brown (verified owner)

    Good product, well made, good packaging, timely delivery. I will order another.

  145. Mike M. (verified owner)

    Ordering was easy. Feedback from questions was prompt. Product was excellent and installation was easy. Instructions were easy to follow. I wish it added two rounds instead of one.

  146. Alfred Scuderi (verified owner)

    I used these kits to Upgrade My Taurus 709 Slim Magazines and they work great One is a 7 round Taurus Mag and one is a 8 round ProMag , adding 1 round to each Magazine and the lock back feature still works Have Put a Thread On TaurusArmed.net to let others Know that still Have the 709,

  147. Rodger BROWN (verified owner)

  148. john Z. (verified owner)

    great !!!

  149. David Eldred (verified owner)

  150. Eric H. (verified owner)

    Easy to install. Much better quality than I expected. I’ve already ordered more

  151. David Eldred (verified owner)

    I am satisfied in all respects.

  152. Jason M. (verified owner)

  153. Allan (verified owner)

    Great products!

  154. Anonymous (verified owner)

  155. S. Taylor (verified owner)

    Haven’t had the chance to actually shoot with the MagGuts installed but overall this is a very good product.

    I purchased two for my EC9S and initially had a problem with one. After installing the MagGuts, one would not cycle snap caps properly – FTEs and the mag would not drop free without pushing down on the MagGuts follower. After comparing it to the other mag that cycled fine and dropped free, I could see the brass button of the MagGuts wasn’t completely seated into the hole in the Ruger floor plate of the mag that was acting up. The hole in the Ruger floor plate was apparently a little small so I opened it up a bit with a rat tail file so the brass button was fully seated when the mag was assembled. It then cycled the snap caps properly and locked the slide back after the last round.

  156. James R McCain (verified owner)

    MagGuts has excellent service and they are prompt at answering questions

  157. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Great Job as usual! Have used these products for years, they work flawlessly.

  158. David M. (verified owner)

    Kits installed easily. Run flawlessly, and your customer service absolutely rocks! Thanks.

  159. Michael F. (verified owner)

    I now have MagGuts in three of my mags. All function well. You just never know when one extra round might be the critical difference. A little more peace of mind.

  160. Michelle G. (verified owner)

    Great product, easy to install. Having that extra round in each mag makes a huge difference. Beyond satisfied with MagGuts!!

  161. Bing M. (verified owner)

    Easy to install. Works gine

  162. Roman (verified owner)

    Great product,easy installation

  163. Jeff H. (verified owner)

    This is my second purchase very quick shipping exact part ordered very simple installation take your time it goes right in and you have one extra round for security this is a must have when your magazine won’t hold a lot of rounds

  164. Walter King (verified owner)

    Product looks good, have not had a chance to use it. Fits great

  165. Argenis (verified owner)

    I had a little trouble figuring out which direction the coil spring should be installed, and the gun had a bit of trouble feeding. Once I corrected the issue it worked flawlessly.
    Can’t wait for you to have the guts for 1911s, Berettas and H&Ks.

  166. John (verified owner)

    Very good communication, shipped quickly. Product performs as advertised. A+

  167. Hardy C. (verified owner)

    Installed and functioned just as advertised! I own several Magguts kits for various “tools” and all function flawlessly!

  168. Mark O. (verified owner)

    Before purchasing MaGguts for two LC9 mags I read some of the reviews. Many people said the installation was difficult, they needed better instructions and/ or the included diagram left much to be desired. However it took me all of five minutes each to do the upgrade and all I had to do was look at the included exploded view while doing the installation. The mags both load just as easily as they did before and cycle flawlessly, including the extra round! Shipping was super fast, looking forward to the two kits I bought for my S&W Bodyguard 380 which are currently out of stock. Very happy with MaGguts so far!

  169. Robert (verified owner)

    Works and added the extra round as described. EASY installation in my Ruger LC9S mag. Great USA workmanship. Quick shipping and delivery. Could not ask more from any business.

  170. Peter (verified owner)

  171. James McCarty (verified owner)

    Service was excellent, quick filling my order. When I received the parts assembled and installed per instruction. Fit and finish perfect the follower is steel, much better than original plastic. Won’t wear out like Ruger original. I’m very satisfied!

  172. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Excellent for my carry piece. I also have one for my g43

  173. Joey Whaley (verified owner)

  174. Juanito M. (verified owner)

    I gave the product a 3 because the magazine would sometimes accept an 8th round and sometimes not. I also had the LC9S slide prematurely lock up with the magazine with the Magguts. Not sure I can complety say it was the magguts. However, the not accepting of the extra round is a big deal because that is primarily the reason I bought it.

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