The video above describes the conversion of your 6 round Ruger LCP II magazine to 7 rounds using the latest hybrid spring system.

The installation instructions above are for converting the Ruger LCP II magazine from 6 rounds to 7 rounds using the Magguts™ hybrid spring system.
The following video and instructions are for prior MagGuts versions that have been replaced with newer versions. Follow these only if you are using the older version conversions as the assembly orientation is different from the current versions.
These instructions are for converting the Ruger LCP and Kel-Tec P3AT magazines from 6 to 7 rounds using the split follower and dual wire spring version of the MagGuts system.
These instructions are for the original flat follower version. If you are converting your magazine using the newer hybrid system or original split follower with dual wire spring system, use the appropriate instructions shown elsewhere on this page.